'Buttery skin' is the next big beauty trend and it delivers serious glow-up

'Buttery skin' is the next big beauty trend and it delivers serious glow-up

While beauty trends come and go, certain things are timeless, like dewy, glowing skin. Yes, while celebrities and influencers may be heavy handed when it comes to the contour and highlighter, that kind of effort just isn't realistic for the majority of us on a day-to-day basis.

Enter "buttery skin", a look created by makeup artist, Isabelle de Vries.

"Buttery skin" mimics the appearance of smooth, glowing butter on your face, and it's largely achieved through skincare prep and a particular concealing technique.

I mean, look at that glow-up...

To achieve the look, Isabelle worked moisturiser into the model's skin and left it for a couple of minutes before she started to apply makeup. She then created the "buttery" effect by pressing the foundation into the skin with her fingers. Finally, the makeup artist used a fluffy eyeshadow brush to buff in concealer to give a light, airbrushed look.

And Isabelle is certainly a talented makeup artist, here are some of our favourite looks of hers...

Just beautiful!