Furious bride shares letter she wrote to sister who 'spoiled' her wedding

Furious bride shares letter she wrote to sister who 'spoiled' her wedding

If you've attended your fair share of nuptials, you'll understand that weddings are stressful at the best of times. Certainly, more often than not, the so-called "joyous" affair descends into chaos - and regardless of whether this is because it proves impossible to please your in-laws, or make everything fit into an already tight budget - one this is guaranteed: it won't go to plan.

Well, especially if your sister decides to announce her engagement in the run up to your big day...

wedding Credit: Pexels

The bride, who has chosen to remain anonymous, recently shared a letter she wrote to her sister 10 years ago, just before her wedding day.

The letter quickly went viral after it was read out live in Ireland on RTE Radio 1's, Ryan Tubridy Show - as part of The Letter You Never Wrote competition.

It reveals how the bride's sister announced her engagement six weeks before her wedding, and how enraged she was that her thunder had been stolen.

"Dear sister, it is now six and a half weeks to my wedding, I'll be spending this week putting together the invites and trying to get them off in the post," the letter reads.

"It's a very stressful time and I've had to compromise a lot of my wedding plans to suit people I don't even know. To top it all, I've spent the last two days crying over something that I shouldn't be."

As you've probably guessed, the thing she was crying over was her sister's engagement.
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wedding Credit: Pexels

p:nth-of-type(6)','type':'performPlaceholder','relativePos':'after'}" data-placeholder-placeholder="" data-response-start="1854.200000059791" data-type="placeholder">
p:nth-of-type(6)','type':'performPlaceholder','relativePos':'after'}" data-placeholder-placeholder="" data-response-start="1854.200000059791" data-type="placeholder">"Now don't get me wrong, I'm very happy for you," she continued. "I'm delighted that you've found someone who makes you happy and who you wish to spend the rest of your life with."
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"But could you not have waited another six weeks before announcing your engagement?

You only get engaged and married once, and the run-up to my wedding should be a special time for me. I have the hen night coming up in two weeks and forgive me for being a bit of a bridezilla but the focus should be on me and my day, not you and your engagement.

We're not children anymore, and life is not a competition, therefore I've decided to write these things down and I will seal this letter and consider posting it after my wedding."

wedding Credit: Pexels

The unnamed bride then goes onto apologise to her sister for being unenthusiastic about her engagement, as she found it difficult to "muster a smile".

"I'm so hurt that neither you nor your fiancé thought for even one moment the impact it would have on me and mine, it should be our time to shine and celebrate our wedding, and you have thoughtlessly taken that away. You both will have your time in the future, I hope no-one does to you what you've done to me," she added.

She finished the letter by saying that she kept her feelings on the subject to herself, to ensure that her impending nuptials weren't further impacted.

"I've not spoken to anyone about my hurt as I would not like to take away any of your happiness nor would I take that off Mammy, Daddy and the lads, by letting them know and upset them or cause disagreement. Too many people have helped me so far for my day to be overshadowed."

And then came the ultimate burn...

"So, dear bridesmaid, thank you for your thoughtlessness. Although I'm not really surprised."