Gay teenager hid a secret message in her yearbook quote and the internet is shook
It's getting to that time of year again when 18-year-olds across the states are preparing to put an end to their high school careers and begin their foray into the world of adulthood. And, while that might seem like a rather terrifying prospect, there are at least a few good things which happen at the end of the school year to soften the blow.
Prom, for example, is a huge deal for most students, as is graduation and the subsequent parties which follow. Once all of that's over, however, and the months and years roll on, it's the school yearbook that many former pupils will turn to in order to remember all the great times they had with their classmates.
With this in mind, one teen decided to make her mark using a particularly ingenious yearbook quote.
Credit: Pexels
Krysta Montoya, a high school senior from Albuquerque, New Mexico, caused quite a stir on Twitter this week after posting her cryptic yearbook quote for everyone to see.
You see, rather than going for a soppy school memory or some pseudo-philosophical quote from the likes of Kim or Kanye, Montoya went for this little gem: "Grey's Anatomy Season 5, Episode 6, 39:40." Don't know what it means? Yeah, don't worry - I didn't either.
Credit: Twitter/Krysta Montoya
Thankfully, Montoya spilled the beans when she shared her picture on social media. She posted a screenshot of that particular moment in Grey's Anatomy, along with the subtitles for what was said at the time. And, as it turns out, Montoya's mysterious quote was nothing more than an elaborate joke about her sexuality:
Credit: Twitter/Krysta Montoya
Contrary to what many people might have thought, Montoya was not using the quote to "come out" per se, as she is already living as an openly gay person. However, she did have a specific reason for going for something so blatantly gay.
Speaking to Insider, the teen revealed why she went for such an unconventional statement.
"I was just watching 'Grey's Anatomy' one day and I saw that quote and I wanted to make it my senior quote," she said. "I chose this as my quote because I feel some people do not accept who I am. I just wanted to basically make a bold statement. I've lost some friends over my sexuality, but my family has always supported me."
After the Grey's Anatomy (or should that be Gay's Anatomy? No? Ok) post started to gain some traction on Twitter, other people on the social media platform chipped in to express their support and appreciation for Montoya.
I have to say, as a queer person myself, I'm incredibly jealous that I didn't come up with something this daring or original when I picked out my yearbook quote. If I could go back now, I'd definitely try to do something similar. In fact, in lieu of that, I might go and update my Facebook profile instead...