Jennifer Lawrence trolling Emma Stone at the Oscars like a real BFF is all of us

Jennifer Lawrence trolling Emma Stone at the Oscars like a real BFF is all of us

Remember that awkward moment at the Oscars last year with the whole Best Picture mixup? Hosts Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway announced the winner as La La Land but had to butt in after the whole cast and crew were on stage, two-minutes into their acceptance speech, by saying there had been a mistake and that Moonlight was the actual winner.


The confusion that was all around died down after a while, but we still cringe to think about the mishap now. And it seems we're not the only ones who can't let it go. In his opening speech for the 2018 Oscars, host Jimmy Kimmel joked about the Best Picture calamity.

"This year, when you hear your name called, don't get up right away," Kimmel quipped at the event last night. "Give us a minute."

The crowd burst into laughter and the camera cut to Emma Stone, one of the stars of La La Land involved in the 2017 onstage mixup. She appeared to take it well, smiling wryly and keeping her cool. But it seems her Hollywood BFF Jennifer Lawrence, seated next to her, wasn't letting the actress take the joke without a full-on roasting.

Lawrence turned to Stone and lifted a finger to point and laugh heartily at her friend – something only a bestie can get away with. The savagery was captured on camera and has since swept the internet. It seems everyone was able to relate when thinking about their own friends.

Moments earlier, Lawrence was photographed clambering over the seats in her glamorous red carpet gown, balancing a glass of white wine and somehow managing not to spill a drop. It seems the rows of chairs were no obstacle for the girl who just wanted to enjoy a bevvie with her best friend – don't we all?

Neither actress was nominated for an award this year, but both of them were given the honor of presenting some of the bigger awards. Lawrence presented the Best Actress award together with Jodie Foster – a big deal because historically, the lead actress award is always presented by the previous year's lead actor winner. However, Casey Affleck, who would've presented the award, withdrew from the awards show in light of the #MeToo and Time's Up movements.

Stone presented the Best Director award and followed Natalie Portman's bold move at the Golden Globes to point out the lack of women nominated in the category. "These four men– and Greta Gerwig–created their own masterpieces this year," she said before reading out the nominees.

And despite their sincere efforts to fight for gender equality in Hollywood and beyond, the friends appeared to have a lot of fun at the event together too. They were photographed on the red carpet posing together – Lawrence in a gorgeous gold gown and Stone in a Louis Vuitton pantsuit (yes!) – standing with the likes of Leslie Mann and her husband Judd Apatow (who they hilariously tried to push out of frame).

Those two are total #FriendshipGoals.