These are the most iconic Super Bowl halftime outfits ever

These are the most iconic Super Bowl halftime outfits ever

If you're somewhat aware of what's going on in the world, you'll know that the Super Bowl happened last night. Aside from the match, Maroon 5's heavily slated halftime performance was the talk of the internet this morning. The band won the once-coveted spot, and had to contend with the backlash from those calling for a boycott in a sign of solidarity with American activist and former NFL quarterback, Colin Kaepernick.

Luckily, the Super Bowl has a long history of decidedly more exemplary performances: think of Lady Gaga and Beyoncé, and of course, Prince. And to remind you of those lighter times, here's a pretty conclusive list of the most iconic halftime outfits ever...

1. Lady Gaga

2. Beyoncé

3. Prince

4. Katy Perry 

5. Madonna 

6. Janet Jackson

7. Britney Spears 

8. Micheal Jackson 

Well, those are certainly better sartorial choices than Adam Levine's gyrating torso, eh?