This Instagrammer reimagines classic Hollywood icons with botox and lip fillers

This Instagrammer reimagines classic Hollywood icons with botox and lip fillers

The oft impossible beauty standards that society continues to perpetuate have inspired complexes in practically everyone. Certainly, pick up any glossy magazine, or take a scroll through your Instagram feed and you'll undoubtedly be faced with a slew of perfectly retouched, long-limbed gazelles who seem to be beach body ready come rain or shine.

As such, cosmetic procedures - both invasive and non-invasive - are on the rise. One Instagrammer who offered a particularly poignant critique of this trend, however, is Mat Maitland. The London-based collage artist Photoshopped Hollywood's classic beauties in accordance with 2018's beauty standards

Think Grace Kelly with Kylie Jenner inspired lip fillers, or Audrey Hepburn with some serious Botox.


1. Princess Diana 

2. Grace Kelly 

3. Marilyn Monroe

4. Audrey Hepburn